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Argo, il cimitero

in Padova since 1997

the cemetery for pets

il cimitero

the cemetery

surrounded by greenery, the first cemetery for pets in Veneto

cremazione animali

animal cremation

cremation for animals can be single or collective

la fontana


the fountain in the center of the area

la sede e il cimitero

the headquarters and the cemetery

panoramic view of the headquarters, the cemetery and the section dedicated to cremation

il trasporto


means of transport are authorized by the competent authorities

i mezzi di trasporto

the means of transport

approved by the Veneto Region and authorized by the Veterinary Service of the competent Health Unit

Argo, la sede

Argo, the headquarters

entrance and the sign that identifies us since 1997


+39 049.875.1096

Home collection service:

Find us

Via Palermo, 51
35142 Padova (PD)

Office hours

Monday - Friday
from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM

Privacy & Co.

Home collection service times

Monday - Friday
from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM

from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM


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Certificazione di sitema ISO 14001

Copyright © , Argo amici per sempre. All rights reserved. | VAT ID IT03378070282

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